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Getting Started

Setup Dependencies

Add the runtime dependency flutter-errors to your pubspec.yaml.

  • flutter-errors holds all the code you are going to use in your application.
    sdk: flutter
  flutter-errors: ^1.0.0


  • ExceptionMappers singleton object, storage that stores a set of exception converters to error classes required for ErrorPresenter objects.
  • ExceptionHandler implements safe code execution and automatic exception display using ErrorPresenter.
  • ErrorPresenter classes implements a strategy for displaying exceptions in a user-friendly form on the platforms. Converts the exception class to an error object to display.

There are several ErrorPresenter implementations:

  1. AlertErrorPresenter - displays errors text in alert dialogs.
  2. ToastErrorPresenter - displays errors text in toasts
  3. SnackBarErrorPresenter - displays errors text in snackbar.
  4. SelectorErrorPresenter - for selecting error presenter by some custom condition.



Register a simple custom exceptions mapper in the singleton storage:

    .register<NetworkError, String>( // Will map all NetworkError instances to String
        (e) => "NetworkError registered error")
    .register<HttpException, String>( // Will map all HttpException instances to String
        (e) => "Format Exception registered error");

Registration of custom exception mapper with condition:

    .condition<NetworkError>(  // Registers exception mapper Exception -> String
        (e) => e is NetworkError && e.error.code == 1, // Condition that maps Exception -> Boolean
        (e) => "My Custom Error from mapper"); // Mapper for Exception that matches to the condition

For every error type you should to set fallback (default) value using method setFallbackValue

    .setFallbackValue<Int>(250); // Sets for Int error type default value as 250
// Creates new mapper that for any unregistered exception will return the fallback value - 250
val throwableToStringMapper: (Exception) -> String = ExceptionMappers.instance.throwableMapper()

Using factory method throwableMapper you can create exception mappers automaticlly:

String Function(Exception) throwableToIntMapper = ExceptionMappers.throwableMapper();

If a default value is not found when creating a mapper using factory method throwableMapper, an exception will be thrown FallbackValueNotFoundException

The registration can be done in the form of an endless chain:

        (e) => e is NetworkError && e.error.code == 1,
        (e) => "My custom error from mapper")
    .register<NetworkError, String>(
        (e) => "NetworkError registered error")
    .register<FormatException, String>(
        (e) => "Format Exception registered error")
    .register<HttpException, Int>(
        (e) => e.error.code,)


  1. Declare ExceptionHandler property in some ViewModel class:
class SimpleViewModel extends ViewModel {
  final FlutterExceptionHandlerBinder exceptionHandler;

    // ...
  1. Bind ExceptionHandler in the platform code.

On Base page or Page State register WidgetsBindingObserver & FlutterWidgetBindingObserver

class Page extends State with WidgetsBindingObserver{
    final FlutterWidgetBindingObserver stateObserver =

    void initState() {

    void dispose() {

    void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
then in initState of StatefulWidget or onModel ready of viewmodel bind the observer:

3.Creating instances of ExceptionHandler class which uses (Exception) -> String mappers:

       ExceptionMappers.instance.throwableMapper(), // Create mapper (Exception) -> String from ExceptionMappers
       errorsPresenterInstance,                    // Concrete ErrorPresenter implementation
       (e){                                                  // Optional global catcher
           println("Got exception: $e");                           // E.g. here we can log all exceptions that are handled by ExceptionHandler
4. And use it to safe requests in ViewModel:

 void onMakeRequest() {
          exceptionHandlerBinder.handle(block: (){
             serverRequest();     // Some dangerous code that can throw an exception
          }).finallyIt(block: (){ // Optional finally block
             // Some code  
          }).execute();           // Starts code execution 

  1. Also you can add some custom catch handlers for ExceptionHandler that work as a catch in the try/catch operator:
void onMakeRequest() {
          exceptionHandlerBinder.handle(block: (){
             serverRequest();     // Some dangerous code that can throw an exception
          }).catchIt<FormatException>((FormatException e){   // Specifying exception class
            // Some custom handler code
              return false;       // true - cancels ErrorPresenter; false - allows execution of ErrorsPresenter
          }).execute();           // Starts code execution 



There are ErrorPresenter interface implementations: * AlertErrorPresenter - displays errors text in alert dialogs; * ToastErrorPresenter - displays errors text in toasts; * SnackBarErrorPresenter - displays errors text in snackbar; * SelectorErrorPresenter - for selecting error presenter by some custom condition.

You need to pass some ErrorPresenter to ErrorHandler instance. E.g. creation of error presenters in common code:



Please see more examples in the sample directory.